Analysis SWOT Samsung Electronic
About Samsung Electronic
Samsung Electronic Logo
The word Samsung means "three stars" inKorean. It is a name associated with differenttypes of businesses in South Korea and in variousparts of the world. Internationally, peopleassociate the name with the electronics,information technology and development.Samsung's history began in 1938 where LeeByung-Chull (1910-1987) came from a family ofland owners in the area Uiryeong came to Daegucity and founded Samsung Sanghoe, a smalltrading company with forty employees located inSu-dong ( now Ingyo-dong).
Lee sought to establish Samsung as an industryleader in many fields, such as insurance, securities, andretail. In the late 1960s, Samsung Group began todevelop into industrial electronics and electronic formdivisions, such as Samsung Electronics Devices Co.,Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co., Samsung Corning Co.,and Samsung Semiconductor & Telecommunications Co.,and made the facility in Suwon.
The first product is a black and white television set.In 1980, the Company purchased Hanguk JeonjaSamsung Tongsin in Gumi, and started to buildtelecommunication devices. Its early products wereswitchboards. This facility has evolved into a telephoneand fax manufacturing systems and became the centerof Samsung's mobile phone manufacturing.
In 1987, the founder and chairman Lee Byung-Chulldied and the position was taken over by the chairmanKun-Hee Lee. In 1990, Samsung started to buildfactories and expand globally in the U.S., UK, Germany,Thailand, Mexico, Spain and China until 1997. SamsungMobile found its way to the United States for the firsttime in 1996, when they partnered with Sprint on theline sleek and compact.
In 1993, Samsung Mobile Phone released a seriesSH-700, which was more proud of his design againdesigned with smaller size and more slender and bettersound quality. With better product and a moreaggressive marketing campaign, Samsung managed totake half the market share of Motorola mobile phones inKorea .
After that, they developed a combination of smartphones (smartphones) with the phone mp3 playertowards the end of the 20th century. In the third quarterof 2008, for the first time in history, Samsung Mobilesent more than 50 million handsets although there was aglobal recession. In early 2009, the global market shareof Samsung Mobile has also established more than 17%,both from Nokia.
Samsung then devoted himself to the 3G industry.Like making a video, camera phones etc. to meetconsumer demand. At the beginning of 2009 anyway,Samsung Mobile and T-Mobile introduces Memoir, an 8-megapixel camera phone with the best in class. Duringhis journey, Samsung has made steady growth in themobile industry to continue to evolve to the present.
Samsung's initial success in the world of smartphonesstarting in 27 April 2009. At that time, Samsunglaunched its first Android phone, the Samsung i7500. Thismobile phone features a touch screen measuring 3.2 inch AMOLED. OS used on this phone is Android Cupcake OS 1.5.
Furthermore, the success of Samsung's Android platform starting with the launch of the Samsung Galaxy S.This mobile phone launched by Samsung in March 2010. And, even this level of mobile phone sales high enough. InJanuary 2011, Samsung managed to sell this phone asmuch as 10 million units.
The success is also spread on the successor of theGalaxy S. Among them is the Samsung Galaxy S II andSamsung Galaxy S III. Not only that, some of the otherGalaxy phones also obtain a high response in the market.Among them is the Samsung Galaxy Mini, Samsung Galaxy Young and Samsung Galaxy Note. Actually, Samsungdeveloped an own operating system called Bada OS.Naming the OS was taken by Samsung of the Koreanlanguage that has meaning the sea.
One key to success lies in the design of Samsung. The technology and design of theSamsung is very good. Samsung have 300talented designers in Seoul and four office designin the USA, Europe, and Japan. The emphasis ison style products, best practices, simple, and quickresponse to market changes.
- Samsung has inherent brand image in thecommunity.
- Samsung has initiated the Digital Era.
- Samsung offers quality products.
- Samsung is constantly innovating innovation inproduct development.
- The technology created to keep track of the time.
- Design Samsung products is excellent andsuperior.
- The price of Samsung products varies and theaverage affordable.
- The diversification of products.
- Samsung is a supplier of high-end mobilehandsets.
- Korean culture emphasizes hirerki can inhibitcreative ideas or opinions different.
- Korean corporate culture that is not flexible.
- Experience in managing global enterprises is stilllimited.
- A tight pressure on employees to achieve goalsthat make employees strive sell the technology.Samsung secrets to its competitors.
- Products offered Samsung a household productthat is always sought.
- An increase in the demand for electronic goodshas been a requirement.
- The level of prestige in the community whoalways want to have the latest and greatestelectronic products.
- Impact of globalization that drive marketingelectronic goods limitless.
- Demand society in style products, best practices,simple, and quick response to market changes.
- The dependence of local products in a particularcountry so the market hard to penetrate.
- The power of other brands that first dominatemarket.
- The emergence of new products which moreinnovative than other companies.
- The products of the other companies that offercheaper prices with no less good quality.
That is by being willing Samsung downto prices far below market apple can makeconsumers more interested in the Samsungapplications that have characteristics thatare not inferior to the apple and the price ismuch cheaper than apple. In the interim,Samsung has its own launches, as well assignificant promotional activity that drivecustomers to choose Samsung phones.
Samsung successful because runningphilosophy and philosophy is well "We will devote our humanresources and technology tocreate superior products andservices, there by contributing toa better global society." Public Opinion About Samsung
- According To My Cousin Brother Fernando
Samsung's telecommunication equipment so help him because he was working in the online business that requires a peraktis telecommunication tools and easy to use, and he found it in samsung.
- According To My Neighbor
Samsung is a modern telecommunications because it uses the latest devices and applications, and not inferior to any other telecommunication device.
- According to some web
Many say that Samsung toughest competitors for telecommunications fellow competitors or her classmates because in addition to using the latest tools and applications as well assophisticated, which makes its market is the low price with all thesophistication.
The Bibliography